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第一章 总 则

第一条 真皮标志是经中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局注册的证明商标(18类、20类、25类、27类),是用于证明皮革和毛皮及其制品的材质、质量、服务方面的标志,受法律保护并经国际注册,本总则是适用于18类产品。

第二条 为了维护优质天然成品革和毛皮产品在国内外市场的信誉,保护用户及生产企业的合法权益,提高我国皮革和毛皮质量,倡导生态环保的皮革和毛皮生产过程及产品,为国内外皮革和毛皮制品生产企业选用优质天然成品革和毛皮提供选择,根据国际成品革和毛皮发展的趋势,基于《真皮标志章程》制订《真皮标志生态皮革(毛皮)实施细则》(以下简称《细则》)。

第二章 条 件

第三条 凡在中华人民共和国境内依法登记,具有独立承担民事责任,从事成品革和毛皮生产活动的单位均可向中国皮革协会申请并使用真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮。

第四条 真皮标志生态皮革、真皮标志生态毛皮应具备以下条件:

1 由天然动物皮经鞣制而成的成品革和毛皮;

2 质量达到国家标准、行业标准及《真皮标志生态皮革(毛皮)产品规范》(以下简称《规范》)规定的要求;

3 积极采用清洁化生产工艺,成品革和毛皮中特殊化学物质含量符合《规范》规定的要求;

4 皮革和毛皮生产过程以及污染物处理应符合国家有关环保要求

5 剖层成品革除应满足以上要求外,如有涂层,涂层厚度不超过0.15mm且不超过成品革总厚度的1/3。

第五条 申请真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的单位应具备以下条件:

1 生产史在5年以上;

2 建有参照GB/T19001-2000(ISO9001:2000)或GB/T24001(ISO14001)系列标准的、运行有效的质量、环保管理体系;

3 具备有效的销售服务体系;

4 年销售额不少于5000万元;

5 具备先进的生产工艺和较完备的检测手段,不具备或不完全具备检测手段的企业,需与得到国家认可授权的国家或地方检测机构建有长期稳定的委托检验关系;

6 企业的环保设施完备、有效,污水排放达标;

7 严格遵守国家有关法律法规,以保证职工享有国家规定的合法权益、劳动所得、福利待遇和社会保障。具备良好的健康安全的工作环境;

8 尊重他人知识产权和客户权益,以诚信为本,维护公平竞争的市场秩序。

第三章 申报程序

第六条 申请真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的单位,应向中国皮革协会提出申请,填报《真皮标志生态皮革(毛皮)使用申请表》一份。

第七条 申请真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的单位,在递交《真皮标志生态皮革(毛皮)使用申请表》的同时,应向中国皮革协会提交下列文件资料:

1 工商企业登记证书复印件一份;

2 商标注册证书或国家有关部门的商标注册受理通知书复印件一份;

3 国家认可授权的国家或地方检测机构根据国家或行业标准对产品进行质量检测的检测报告复印件一套(检测日期距申请日半年内有效);

4 有关的主要获奖证书、科技成果证书、专利证书复印件各一份;

5 铬粉、染料、合成复鞣剂、等主要化工材料的检验报告复印件一份(检验日期距申请日半年内有效);

6 至少5家用户的通信地址以及联系方式;

7 申请皮革和毛皮种类的生产工艺说明书、污水处理工艺说明书各一份;

8 质量或环保管理体系认证证书(如通过认证)复印件一份。

第八条 中国皮革协会产业部对申请单位提交的文件,按本《细则》第三条到第七条的规定进行形式审查。

第九条 未通过形式审查的申请单位,允许自中国皮革协会通知之日起二个月内进行第二次申报,第二次申报仍未达到规定要求者,一年内不予受理。

第十条 因故被中国皮革协会注销真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位,须经过一年以上的整改期,达到本《细则》规定后,方可重新申请真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮,但一个单位此项申请次数不得超过两次。

第十一条 中国皮革协会自受理之日起,应在三个月内完成以下工作:

1 形式审查:产业部对申请单位提交的文件进行形式审查;

2 实地考核:产业部依据本《细则》规定,组织专家或委托有关部门组织专家对企业进行实地考核;

3 总审评定:通过形式审查及实地考核的申请单位,按照《规范》中的规定对所取样品进行检测以后,由产业部汇总上报中国皮革协会作总审评定;

4 书面通知:产业部将评审结论书面通知申请单位,并通知总审评定合格单位办理如下手续:(1)签订《真皮标志生态皮革协议书》、《真皮标志生态毛皮协议书》;(2)交纳规定的费用;(3)领取真皮标志生态皮革、真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格证书;(4)领取真皮标志生态皮革、真皮标志生态毛皮的标识(印章)和荣誉牌。

5 发布公告:凡已签订《真皮标志生态皮革协议书》、《真皮标志生态毛皮协议书》,并办理完其它手续的单位,由中国皮革协会在新闻媒体上发布公告。

第四章 权 利

第十二条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮在销售活动中,有权使用真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮字样及其标识并受到注册国有关法律保护。

第十三条 中国皮革协会负责协调、仲裁有关真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮在技术、质量方面的争议,中国皮革协会接受用户对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的投诉。

第十四条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位可优先参加由中国皮革协会主办或协办的各种国内外经济贸易、专业展览、技术信息交流和咨询服务活动。

第十五条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮在国内外经贸技术活动中可以作为成品革和毛皮质量水平的证明。

第十六条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位有权参与一切冠以“真皮标志”名称的各项行业活动,享受中国皮革协会对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮提供的服务。

第十七条 有关真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的质量及销售信息,由中国皮革协会产业部负责汇总分析,按时反馈给真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的使用单位,并统一由中国皮革协会对外发布,以扩大影响。

第十八条 获得使用资格的产品都拥有唯一的真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用代码和标识,有权使用真皮标志图案及真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮字样。

第十九条 对于完全用真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮制造的皮革和毛皮制品,皮革和毛皮制品厂家可引用具体真皮标志说明该产品由真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮制造。

第五章 义 务

第二十条 在真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的外包装上,应印制真皮标志图案及“真皮标志生态皮革”和“真皮标志生态毛皮”字样,二层成品革应印制“真皮标志生态皮革(剖层)”,以区分头层成品革和毛皮。

第二十一条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮,其商标和产品必须与申报批准的商标和产品一致,企业如变更已被批准的真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的商标,应按本《细则》第六条规定重新办理申请手续;如欲在本企业生产的其他产品上加盖真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识,必须办理相关扩牌手续,具体办法由中国皮革协会制定。

第二十二条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位,应该接受中国皮革协会组织或委托有关单位进行的不定期质量抽检,费用由中国皮革协会统一支付;抽检内容包括质量、环保措施及运行情况、生产管理及服务体系等单项或多项内容。

第二十三条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位,应保证做到:

1 按有关的国家标准、行业标准和《规范》的规定组织真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的生产和检验;

2 建立真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的质量控制数据档案,接受中国皮革协会不定期检查;

3 良好的产品销售服务工作;

4 积极配合中国皮革协会作好真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的定期检测、监督真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用单位是否按本细则的要求使用和宣传真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮。

第二十四条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位,应设专人负责真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识的印制、使用。专职人员应报中国皮革协会备案,并受中国皮革协会委托负责监督本单位真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识的使用情况,确保真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识不失控、不挪用、不流失。

第二十五条 不得私自制作真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识,也不得将获得的真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识对外转让、出售、馈赠。

第二十六条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识是真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮产品的唯一凭证。

第二十七条 配合并监督使用真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的皮革和毛皮制品厂家如实反映制品中真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的使用情况,不得过分夸大或作虚假宣传。

第六章 管 理

第二十八条 中国皮革协会为保证真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮工作的正常运行,建立以产业部、真皮标志产品评审委员会、社会监督一体化综合管理体系,对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮工作进行管理和监督。

第二十九条 中国皮革协会是真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮工作的最高审定和决策机构。中国皮革协会负责制订、修订《规范》、《细则》及各项工作条例,对申请真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的单位进行总审;调查重大假冒真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮案件及其他重大相关问题。

第三十条 产业部是负责真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮日常工作的常设机构。产业部执行中国皮革协会的决策,负责《细则》的具体实施,承担申请单位的形式审查,接待来访,答复咨询,管理文件、报表;负责真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮标识的印制、发放、管理和各项费用的结算;协调有关真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的争议等。组织对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮进行全方位的动态考核;建立真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮日常考核和年检制度;负责对具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位进行三年资格重新确认等工作。

第三十一条 中国皮革协会真皮标志产品评审委员会是真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的技术评审仲裁和咨询机构。评审委员会应根据国家和行业有关标准以及《规范》的规定,进行技术评审、仲裁和咨询。

第三十二条 地方有关部门受中国皮革协会委托,组织专家对申请真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的单位进行实地考核时,必须组织以真皮标志评审委员会委员为主体的考核组,委员的资格确认以及培训由中国皮革协会负责组织实施。

第三十三条 中国皮革协会委托国内外权威皮革和毛皮质量检测机构进行真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的一般理化指标和特殊化学指标的检测。真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的质量监督检验计划由中国皮革协会统一制定。

第三十四条 中国皮革协会为保证真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮实施工作的“科学性、公正性、权威性”,建立全社会各界人士对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮工作监督制度。

第七章 保护措施

第三十五条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮受有关法律保护,如有假冒等侵权行为发生,中国皮革协会将组织调查、取证和起诉工作,并重奖举报单位和个人。

第三十六条 任何单位有假冒真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮行为,中国皮革协会将依据《商标法》规定,报请工商行政管理部门依法惩处。

第三十七条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位,如违反《产品质量法》的规定,中国皮革协会有权终止与该单位签订的《真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮协议书》,取消该单位真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格。

第三十八条 具有真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮使用资格的单位,如违反本《细则》第五章的规定,中国皮革协会将采取强制检查、解除协议以至诉诸法律等多种方式处理。

第八章 附 则

第三十九条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的收费标准由中国皮革协会制定,由产业部执行。

第四十条 真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮有关收入专款专用,主要用于组织对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮评审、监督、质量检测,受理用户对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的投诉、案件查处以及真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮宣传推广等工作的实施,用于保护真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮信誉,维护用户和生产单位的合法权益。真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的财务收支接受国家财税机关的监督。

第四十一条 对真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮的日常考核办法由中国皮革协会制定,产业部负责实施。

第四十二条 在本《细则》第六章规定的基础上,中国皮革协会制定科学的考核标准和程序,扶植真皮标志生态皮革和真皮标志生态毛皮骨干企业,实施名牌战略。该考核标准和程序由产业部负责实施。

第四十三条 本《细则》由中国皮革协会制定,报国家工商行政管理局备案。

第四十四条 本《细则》由中国皮革协会负责解释。





Chapter One:General Principles

Item OneThe Genuine Leather Mark (GLM) is a certification trademark(18th,20th,25th,27thCategory) registered in State Administration for Industry & Commerce and international trade organization, which insures the quality and aftersales service of leather, fur and products made from leather or fur. GLM is protected internationally.Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark are extended from GLM, refer to the title used for finished leather and fur (18thcategory trademark) that is qualified for the certification of GLM.

Item TwoTo protect the good fame of natural leather an fur in foreign and domestic market, to insist on the quality of natural leather, fur and products made from leather or fur that are provided in the market, to protect the rights of consumers and enterprises, to promote the concept of environment friendly leather and fur processing and products, and to provide high quality natural leather and fur for downstream industry, based onthe Regulations of Genuine Leather Mark (GLM), theRegulations on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Markis established.

Chapter Two:Requirements for the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark

Item ThreeCompanies registered in China with commitment of civil obligation and involved in producing or trading leather and fur can apply to use the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item FourThe Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark should have the requirements as follows:

1. It should be genuine leather and fur;

2. It should meet state and industry quality standards, as well as relevant requirements and regulations in theSpecifications on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark;

3. Cleaning technology are encouraged to be used in leather-making and fur-making, the harmful chemicals in finished leather and fur should under the requirements of theSpecifications on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark;

4. The waste treatment should reach the relevant environmental protection requirement of the nation.

5. For the split leather with coating, the coating should be less than0.15mmand one third of total thickness of leather.

Item FiveCompany applying for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark should possess following conditions:

1. Production history over five years;

2. Company should build management system in reference to GB/T19001 (ISO-9001) or GB/T24001 (ISO-14001) and operates effectively;

3. Effective aftersales service system;

4. Annual sales not less than RMB50 million;

5. Possess advanced processing technology and good testing equipments. The enterprises without testing equipments should establish long-term and stable cooperation with state or local testing authorities;

6. Environmental protection facilities should be complete and effective; sewage discharge should meet national or industrial standard;

7. Obey related laws strictly, and guarantee the workers’ rights, labor income, welfare, social security and healthy work environment;

8. Respect the intellectual property right of others and the right of consumers, and maintain the healthy market environment with fair competition.

Chapter Three: The Process of Applying for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark

Item SixCompany applying for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark should submit the application to China Leather Industry Association (CLIA), and fill in the form of "Application Table for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark ".

Item SevenCompany applying for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark should submit following documents and materials to CLIA together with ‘Application Table for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark’:

1. One copy of industrial and commercial registration certificate;

2. One copy of trademark registration certificate;

3. Copies of testing reports of leather from the state or local testing authorities (effective within six months from testing date);

4. Copies of major award certificates, technological achievement certificates, and patent certificates respectively;

5. Copies of testing report of main leather and fur chemicals from chemicals trader or tannery and fur manufacturer such as chrome tanning agent, dyestuffs, and synthetic retanning agent;

6. Addresses and contact methods of five consumers at least;

7. Illumination of leather and fur manufacturing and sewage treatment technology;

8. One copy of certificate of ISO-9001 or ISO-14001 (if passed).

Item EightIndustry Department of CLIA shall make an examination to the supplied documents.

Item NineIf an application fails to pass documents examination, the company can be able to re-apply once within two months, and the company cannot apply again within one year if its second application still fails.

Item Ten The company, whose qualification of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark is abolished by China Leather Industry Association, should go through rectification period for over one year and attain the requirements of theRegulations on Eco-leather Mark andEco-fur Markbefore reapplying for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark. Two times of such applications are allowed at most for one company.

Item ElevenThe following work should be done by CLIA within three months since the application is received:

1. Documents examination that should be done by the Industry Department of CLIA;

2. TheIndustry Departmentwill organize or entrust experts to conduct on-the-spot examination to the company;

3. The materials of companies passed the documents examination and the on-the-spot examination will be sent to the CLIA, who will make a conclusion whether the company get the qualification of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark;

4. The Industry Department will send the result to the applied tanneries and fur manufacturer and require them to:

(1) Sign the contract to use Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and transact relevant procedures;

(2) Take the certificate and seal;

5. After the company has signed the contract to use Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and completed other procedures, CLIA will make an announcement on the public media.

Chapter Four:Privileges of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark

Item TwelveThe typeface of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and seal can be used on trade of the corresponding leather, which is protected by law.

Item ThirteenCLIA takes the responsibility to harmonize and arbitrate on disputes about the technology and the quality of leather and fur honored Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and CLIA accepts any complaints from customers about Eco-leather and Eco-fur.

Item FourteenThe Eco-leather and Eco-fur companies have the priority to take part in any domestic and overseas activities for economic, trading and technology organized or coor-ganized by CLIA.

Item FifteenThe Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark can be certifying of the leather and fur quality in any domestic and overseas economic, trading and technological activities.

Item SixteenThe companies honored Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark have priority to take part in any activities involved in GLM and get all services from CLIA.

Item SeventeenCLIA will collect the information of quality and sales for the leather and fur honored Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and feeds back the information to those companies after analysis, which will be released by CLIA to the public media to broaden the influence of companies and their finished leather and fur, honored Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item EighteenEvery authorized company have an unique eco-leather code and mark, the typeface of Eco-leather Mark and its mark can be printed on the package of finished leather gaining qualification of Eco-leather Mark,and it is the same rules for Eco-fur companies.

Item NineteenThe leather and fur products can be explained that they are made by Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark if the leather and fur products do be completely made by Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark,.

Chapter Five: Obligation of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark

Item TwentyThe companies which get the qualification of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark should print on the package ‘Eco-leather Mark’ and ‘Eco-fur Mark’ for the top-layered leather and fur, and ‘ Eco-leather Mark split leather’ which can be distinguished from top-layered leather.

Item Twenty-oneThe trademark and the finished leather used Eco-leather Mark should be the same as that of application. The company will have to reapply based on theItem Sixif the trademark of leather honored Eco-leather Mark change. The company must transact the mark-extension if the leather with different trademark apply to CLIA for using Eco-leather Mark according to relevant rules made by CLIA,and it is the same rules for Eco-fur companies.

Item Twenty-twoCompanies which are using the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark should accept the inspections from CLIA, including the inspections of leather and fur quality, enterprise management systems and after-sales service. Cost spent during inspection is charged by CLIA.

Item Twenty-threeCompanies honored Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark have the following responsibilities:

1. The production and examination of leather and fur should match the relevant national standard, the industry standard, and the standard of theInspections on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark;

2. The figures and documents controlling the quality of the Eco-leather and Eco-fur Mark should be kept on file;

3. The companies using Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and the distributors should take joint responsibility for after sales services;

4. Eco-leather and Eco-fur companies should cooperate with CLIA to deal with the leather testing and supervise the usage of Eco-leather Mark in leather products factories.

Item Twenty-fourSpecial person in charge of Eco-leather Mark and and Eco-fur Mark, who is put on records in CLIA, should be arranged, and this person is committed by the CLIA to make use of the mark and ensure that it is not out of control, misappropriated or taken away.

Item Twenty-fiveThe eco-leather and eco-fur mark is the only identification to Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item Twenty-sixCompanies must not fabricate Eco-leather mark and Eco-fur Mark themselves, and cannot transfer, sell and give the mark to anyone else.

Item Twenty-sevenEco-leather and Eco-fur companies should supervise and cooperate with the consumers to reflect the usage of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark in the leather and fur products and should not make exaggerating or false advertisement.

Chapter Six: Management of the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark

Item Twenty-eightThe GLM managing system, which includes Industry Departmentand Inspection Commission, is built in CLIA. The system takes responsibility for controlling and managing the work of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item Twenty-nineCLIA is the supreme organization for approving and making policies governing the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark. CLIA takes responsibility for writing and revising the “Specifications on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark” and “regulations on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark” and other regulations, and assessing applying companies' qualification for using the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, CLIA is also responsible for investigating cases of the fake mark and other problems.

Item ThirtyThe Industry Departmentis the organization responsible for routine work of the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and carries out the CLIA’s decisions and routine work of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, including examination, consultation, document management, inspection, and usage of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, etc.. This office also solves disputes and other problems on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and organizes overall examinations to the Eco-leather and Eco-fur companies, and reconfirmation of the qualification of the Eco-leather and Eco-fur companies will be done within triennium.

Item Thirty-oneThe Inspection Commission, based on related national and leather industry standards and “specifications on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark”, processes examination, arbitration and consultation of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item Thirty-twoCLIA will entrust the local departments to organize specialists to examine the applying companies, and the specialist must belonged to the inspection commission of GLM. CLIA takes responsibility for the qualification and training of the specialists.

Item Thirty-threeThe authoritative leather and fur testing centers at home and overseas are entrusted by CLIA to carry out the examination of common physical and chemical indexes and special four chemical indexes. CLIA is responsible to make out the quality controlling and testing plan on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item Thirty-fourFor assuring "scientificity, justness and authority" of the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, a comprehensive supervision system is formed by the relevant departments and other social circles.

Chapter Seven:Protection Measurement of Eco-leather Mark and

Eco-fur Mark

Item Thirty-fiveThe Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark is protected by law, and anyone or companies who counterfeit it will prosecuted by CLIA, and anyone who gives evidence will get the reward from CLIA.

Item Thirty-sixAnyone or companies who use the counterfeit Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, legal action should be employed to them by the State Administration for Industry & Commerce base on "Law of Trade Mark".

Item Thirty-sevenIf Eco-leather and Eco-fur company violates the regulations of "Law of the Products Quality", CLIA will stop the agreement with the company to use Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark.

Item Thirty-eightIf company using Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark violates the regulations ofChapter Five, CLIA will make the inspection forcefully, cancel the agreement on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark or even take legal action.

Chapter Eight: Supplement.

Item Thirty-ninePayment standard for Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark is made out by CLIA, and is implemented by the Industry Department.

Item FortyPayment for the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark is mainly used for the inspections, consulting, supervision and examination of leather honored Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, handling complaints and investigating cases about the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and promoting the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, protecting the reputation of the Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, and the rights of companies and consumers. The income and expenditure of Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark is supervised by the national financial and tax department.

Item Forty-oneThe normal inspection method on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark is made out by CLIA, and is put in practice by Industry Department.

Item Forty-twoBased on theChapter Six, CLIA standardize scientific inspection program to support key tanneries and carry out strategy of famous brand, which is implemented by Industry Department.

Item Forty-threeRegulations on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Markis instituted by CLIA, and is approved by the State Administration for Industry & Commerce.

Item Forty-fourCLIA takes the responsibilities for explaining this regulation.


1.When China Leather Industry Association registered the certification trademark of Genuine Leather Mark(GLM) in State Administration for Industry & Commerce in 1994, the certification trademark covered genuine leather and fur, therefore they are within the category of GLM and used this trademark.

2. Eco-Leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, which is extended from Genuine Leather Mark, refers to the title used for finished leather and fur that is qualified for the certification of Genuine Leather Mark. Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark stresses the environment protection of tannery and fur manufacturer, and the healthy performance of finished leather and fur. In addition to essential qualifications for the Genuine Leather Mark, the leather and fur must meet state and industry quality standards, as well as relevant requirements and regulations in theSpecifications on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, which address the four special chemical indexes of the leather industry related to environment (hexavalent chrome, prohibited azo dyes, pentachlorophenol and formaldehyde).

3.Regulations of Genuine Leahter Mark(GLM)definitely regulated that GLM products include leather, fur and products made from leather or fur. According to theItem Forty-FiveofRegulations of Genuine Leather Mark(GLM),Regulations on Eco-leather Markand Eco-fur Markare formulated to set out concrete regulations on Eco-leather Mark and Eco-fur Mark, which is served as the supplementary file ofRegulations of Genuine Leather Mark(GLM).






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