Holder of a PhD from the Faculty of Technology Zlin, Petr HLAVACEK held numerous positions atthe Tomas Bata University Zlin where he is associated professor since 1997. He is currentlyVicedean of the Faculty of Technology, Vicepresident of COKA (Czech Footwear and LeatherAssociation) and Expert for Leather and footwear Panel Meetings for UNIDO. Very active innational and European footwear-related projects and on the academic scene (with over 70presentations on International congresses and conferences, 90 articles in vocational periodic andlectures all around the world), he received several international awards, among which the 2005UITIC Scientific Award in recognition of services to the footwear Industry.
Faculty of Technology in Zlin developed software for the prediction of how fast are children's feetgrowing up. This software is based on so called anthropological “Carlberg model” andmeasurement of 2000 children and their genetic parents. In other words, when a customercomes to a shoe shop to buy a new pair of shoes for his/her child, we are able to estimate theday on which the length of the child’s feet will be longer than the length of the shoes to bebought, or the day on which the shoes may become dangerous to health. We assume that thistype of software will significantly help to reduce the rate of paediatric foot deformities