After earning her PhD in environmental engineering from the University of Porto, Maria José FERREIRA joined the CTCP lab in 1990 as researcher. She is since 1994 Director of CTCP Research and Quality Department and is in charge of quality control, safety at work, environment and research labs, technical support and consultancy regarding materials, products, work conditions and environment, training and research activities of CTCP. She coordinated more than 50 national and EU projects for CTCP, mainly in the fields of new materials, products and environment. She has been involved as author or co-author in more than 70 publications or oral presentations in the last 13 years.
Footwear companies are faced with the challenge of reducing their carbon footprint for the advantage of their business and the environment. In this regard CTCP focused on the development of an online tool that enables companies to recognize and improve their energy consumption and associated carbon footprint/CO2 emissions. The tool is designed to be easily and rapidly answered by the enterprises throughout a questionnaire that gathers together the more relevant requirements that are applied to them. The outcome gives (1) the energy consumption per product type, production process, among others; (2) the kg CO2 equivalent emitted; as well as (3) recommendations to improve energy efficiency based in organizational measures and low cost investments. Furthermore, in the frame the European project IEE/11/949/SI2.615946 - IND-ECO (Industry alliance for reducing energy consumption and CO2 Emission) partners from 6 European countries are identifying efficient technical solutions and financial support actions with the objective of reducing CO2 emissions in the footwear and leather sectors. The project seeks increasing awareness, knowledge and organizational skills of companies on energy efficiency to allow them to seize opportunities, to adopt tools, technologies and financial facilities to access capitals. A total energy saving over 15 million primary kWh is foreseen by the end of the project. In this work, an updated vision of actions being conducted regarding footwear carbon footprint by major players is presented, followed by a synthetic overview of the diagnosis tool and detailed presentation o sustainable recommendations to improve energy efficiency in the footwear industry.