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 COTANCE says SER 2020 will help tanners “prove” sustainability

COTANCE says SER 2020 will help tanners “prove” sustainability




COTANCE says SER 2020 will help tanners “prove” sustainability
Leather industry bodies from Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, the UK and Sweden, gathered in Brussels recently with COTANCE, the leather industry’s representative body in the European Union, and its “social partner”, trade union organisation industriAll.
The meeting’s aim was to press ahead with the production of a new version of a leather industry social and environmental report (SER) that they first published together in 2012.
These seven national industry bodies have collected data on environmental and social indicators from their member companies. This information will feed into the new SER report, which will assess the performance in these areas of Europe’s tanning industry.
Following the Brussels meeting, COTANCE said the new SER will provide participating tanneries with “powerful communications material for their clients”. It said customers and value chain stakeholders increasingly require supporting documents to prove the sustainability credentials of suppliers.
COTANCE said the European leather industry is “exemplary in this regard” and should show it.
A series of SER workshops will take place in different parts of Europe throughout December and the early part of 2020, leading to the project’s concluding conference, which will take place in Vienna on June 16.




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