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 Are tanners’ attitudes towards raw materials changing?

Are tanners’ attitudes towards raw materials changing?




In the survey, ILM asked if tanners were concerned about overall declining raw material quality globally. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 75% of those that completed the survey said that they were concerned. This was an increase over 2022 (56% said yes) and 2023 (68%). The main concerns were the deterioration or damage to hides and skins during the life of the animal on the farm.

As farmers have little to no incentive to look after the hides and skins of the animals, it is not a surprise that more hides and skins are damaged during the animal’s life. Additionally, where the livestock is reared has a direct impact on quality. With cattle populations decreasing in Europe and the U.S. in 2024, more lower grade hides are available to tanners and fewer which have historically been better quality with higher international welfare standards.

Recent demands from leather-using customers around traceability may see quality deterioration reverse and improve in the future if tanners are able to look more closely at where their raw materials are sourced and take action accordingly, or incentivise good practice at the farm level.

Leading on from the previous question, tanners were asked if they would be prepared to pay more for higher quality raw materials. In response, 72% of those surveyed said that they would be prepared to pay more to guarantee better quality materials. In 2023, the response was 75% in favour. A similar result.




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