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 Camper’s new range of luxury shoes ready for Europe this September

Camper’s new range of luxury shoes ready for Europe this September




Spanish shoe brand Camper is to launch a new chain of stores stocking a new luxury range, Cartujano, as of September 2014.

This is not an entirely new idea. Camper registered the brand ‘Cartujano’ in 1993, and used it for higher-end shoes that it sold in Camper stores and through some multi-brand retailers. Now, Cartujano lines will combine the traditional artisan footwear skills of Mallorca and Andalusia, high-quality leather and an equestrian-inspired style to create luxury collections.

Sources have confirmed to media in Spain that head of the company, Lorenzo Fluxá, has been directly involved in the development and production of Cartujano. The first single-brand Cartujano stores will open in Madrid, London, Paris and Berlin this September.


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