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 Alternative Material made from Cactus

Alternative Material made from Cactus




09 July 2020

Dr Dietrich Tegtmeyer who is one of the leading experts on leather manufacturing and sustainability in the global leather sector, wrote the following on LinkedIn regarding the following article that is replete with misinformation and untruths:

Creating Leather From Cactus to Save Animals and the Environment

Dr Dietrich Tegtmeye

Here are Dr Tegtmeyer’s comments_

Nobody from the leather industry should have a problem with such a new material. Where we do have a problem with, is:

1. It is called "leather" and it isn't leather

2. They still claim that toxic "chemicals such as arsenic, cyanid ... " are widely used in the leather manufacturing process. This is not true and a lie !!!

3. They still claim that animals have to suffer for leather. This is not true as well. If the leather production would be Zero tomorrow - no hide gets converted into leather - the same amount of animals will get raised and processed like today, and the meat industry would face a huge waste problem.

Please stop these unfair and false accusations.

Just promote your nice new material as another natural choice to minimize the use of plastic, and do not call it leather.




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