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The regulations of the Genuine Leather Mark




The regulations of the Genuine Leather Mark

Chapter One

General Principles

Article One: To maintain the credit of genuine leather products that are provided at home and abroad market, protect the rights and interests of consumers and enterprises and cultivate a sound environment for leather market, based on the People's Republic of China Trade Mark Law and the People's Republic of China Commodities Quality Law, the regulations of Genuine Leather Mark (GLM) is established.

Article Two: The GLM is a certificated trademark that registered in International Trade Organization and National Bureau of Administration for Commerce and Industries, which indicates the excellent material, quality and after-sales service of leather products, and it was protected by law and registered internationally.

Article Three: China Leather Industry Association (CLIA), as the register of GLM, reserved the exclusive right for this trademark.

Article Four: Based on voluntary principle and guaranteed by the standards GLM, CLIA accepts the applications from the companies dealing in leather products. The companies will be permitted to use GLM if their products reach the standard and the GLM usage contract was signed.

Article Five: Directed and supervised by National Bureau of Administration for Commerce and Industries and the General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of China, CLIA is responsible for examination and implementation of GLM products that represent the third-party impartiality.



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