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 IULTCS videos introduce technologies for effluent treatment

IULTCS videos introduce technologies for effluent treatment




The International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) has published new videos that introduce key technologies for tannery effluent treatment.

IULTCS has added an animated introduction to ‘Key Technologies for Tannery Effluent Treatment and Solid Waste Handling’ to the IUE webpage of the Environmental Commission. The videos seek to provide an introduction to each treatment technology and describe the function and what potentially can be achieved. “The animated treatments are part of the environmental training courses of W2O Environment, which were made available by the company to be shared on the webpage of the IUE commission”, said Dr Wolfram Scholz, Chair, IUE Commission. “W2O Environment was founded in 2005 and is an internationally recognised environmental company, supporting the leather industry worldwide, which provides environmental engineering of tannery effluent treatment and sludge handling plants and environmental training at Universities, for organisation and for the overall leather sector”, he said.




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